
We only retail and sell the very best in beautiful music, music videos, movies and computer games


If you’re passionate about our company and focused on helping us build, you might be a perfect fit for a role here at Toxsie | Tx.

Whether you have a talent for numbers, know how to interpret trends and adapt them for our clients, you’re an IT expert ready to push our business forward or your experience makes you a great fit for us, look at our vacancies to see if we have the right role for you.

We’re looking for people from all backgrounds, with a range of skill sets to grow our business and we want to give you the opportunity to help your career thriveWe know digital media is a fast moving business which is why we’re always on the lookout for talented people who are passionate about making Toxsie a global company. 

Our philosophy is simple: we work hard because we love what we do.
If you think this might be the right working environment for you, browse our vacancies and take a step into this new stage in your career.

For speculative applications send your CV to: [email protected] outlining your position in the subject area of your email